If you’ve found this page, you are part of a select group of cool folks in the hunt for a new, low-cost domain. 😀

Bauer partners with NameCheap to provide steep discounts on domains and hosting and will continue to add any new promotions to this page. Right now the offers we’ve got to share are:

Registration & Transferuse code: JOONDEELZ
The coupon code entitles you to register or transfer your .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info at the following discounted rates:

  • COM Registration $8.88 + $0.18 ICANN Fee
  • COM Transfer $8.84 + $0.18 ICANN Fee
  • NET Registration $12.09 + $0.18 ICANN Fee
  • NET Transfer $10.88 + $0.18 ICANN Fee
  • ORG Registration $11.51 + $0.18 ICANN Fee
  • ORG Transfer $10.21 + $0.18 ICANN Fee
  • INFO Transfer $12.21 + $0.18 ICANN Fee
  • BIZ Registration $8.48 + $0.18 ICANN Fee
  • BIZ Transfer $13.12 + $0.18 ICANN Fee

25% Off Private Email Hosting Plan
use code: PEWARMUP
(Only valid for new purchases with annual billing cycle)