Last year was a prosperous one both spiritually and in terms of growing the business. Bauer was fortunate enough to continue working with our exceptional (and long term)clients while adding a few new names to the fold. The diversity of our clients has allowed us to...

Measuring your Social Media ROI

Introduction Measuring your social media reurn on investment (ROI) is essential to social media budgeting and strategy. It allows you to take your social media’s pulse and adjust your strategy accordingly. Understanding how to track your ROI will help you focus on...

Simplifying the Customer Experience

A Unique Approach to Mapping Your Customer Experience. Every business owner or marketing professional hopes that their marketing infrastructure will pull in the right customers, and ultimately lead them to making a purchase. But the million dollar question is – how?...

Marketing Minute: Three Reasons to Use SEO

Today let’s talk about the 3 main reasons why every business should be using SEO. Number 1: SEO works. When folks are looking to make a purchase of a product or service. To find a new company to do business with, they’re looking at the top of the search engines....

WP Engine Agency Partners

We’re excited to announce our official agency partnership with WP Engine. We’ve been working with WP Engine for over 6 years to provide our clients with top-notch WordPress Website Hosting and we are now recognized as an Official WP Engine Agency Partner. Bauer...

A Guide to Rebranding Your Business

Rebranding your business can feel like an overwhelming task but we’re here to help. How do you know when to begin, where to start, and how to make sure everything goes smoothly? We’ll walk you through the entire process – when to rebrand, what the process looks like,...

Digital Marketing 101

Remember when you were five years old and learning to ride a bike? You had training wheels, a massively oversized helmet, and the balance of a newborn giraffe. Now fast forward twenty years. You’re a cycling machine with the trendy racing tires, an aerodynamic bike,...

Your Website: Faster, Better, Stronger

You’ve heard it before, your website is your best salesperson. It works for you 24/7. But what if your best salesperson was slow and unfriendly when dealing with your customers? You’d likely try to help them improve right? Your website is no different. We’ve put...