A Little Website 101

Introduction When it comes to measuring success on your website, it’s easy to focus on increasing truck-loads of new website traffic. The more traffic you get, the more sales right? Well, it depends. There are many factors that determine how well your website is...

Working with a Full-Service Agency

Introduction A successful marketing campaign can give life to any business. But when looking for professionals to come alongside you to make that campaign, things can become overwhelming. There’s a wide variety of outlets you can go to receive marketing help. From an...

7-Steps To Redesigning a Website

Introduction A website redesign can seem like a simple solution to increase conversion and place yourself above the competition. Many times it is far more involved than that. In fact, website redesign projects are intricately complicated and although the old website...

Designing Better Blog Posts

Introduction We are living in the age of information. Outside of work, a person consumes on average 100,500 words a day. Due to this high level of consumption, many people have low motivation to finish a long blog post on a website. One way to motivate readers and...

Video Marketing Benefits

Introduction Video marketing has quickly become one of the fastest growing and most successful marketing opportunities for businesses – and it’s easy to see why. Videos are more engaging, easier to remember, and more popular than traditional marketing methods. But...


We have all, at one time or another, purchased a bottle of Suave shampoo. If not, I’m guessing that you’ve purchased some equally inexpensive, econo-sized bottle of hair cleaning product. It struck me this morning as I opened up a new bottle of Gee Your Hair Smells...